This episode looks at the skills, traits and approaches that effective middle leaders employ in the secondary school environment, offering a range of practical advice, tips and reflections

The podcast features guidance and advice from three practising middle leaders. We touch upon how to work with and lead your teaching colleagues, how to manage tricky colleagues, working with colleagues who are more experienced, supporting struggling colleagues and more.

We also look at communication, maintaining professional boundaries, workload and team morale, career progression, CPD, developing your team, and developing culture of mutual trust, among other areas.

The three guests for this episode are:

  • Jo Hall, head of maths at Honley High School in Yorkshire.
  • Dave Stephenson, head of year 9 (12 staff, 255 pupils) at Honley High School in Yorkshire.
  • Sean Harris is a postdoctoral researcher with Teesside University – researching the ways in which pupils can close attainment gaps and better 'poverty proof' classrooms. He has returned to the classroom this term as an Assistant Curriculum Leader at Bede Academy in Northumberland. Sean also coaches middle leaders and supports senior and early career teachers.

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For details about The SecEd Podcast, or to suggest future topics, email editor Pete Henshaw at