The latest episode of The SecEd Podcast focuses on the impact of the Covid-19 lockdown for SEN and looked after students, and how schools and teachers can best support these vulnerable children this term and beyond

This episode of the SecEd Podcast focuses on how schools can best support both SEN students and looked after children as we continue our recovery from the coronavirus lockdown.

We discuss what barriers to education and wellbeing these children are facing so far this term and practical suggestions for how schools and teachers can support them.

Topics include interventions, whole-school approaches, parental engagement, curriculum design, examination preparation as well as practical tips for both teachers and school leaders.

Featuring Paddy Smith, Head of Student Welfare at Bede Academy in Northumberland; Garry Freeman, an experienced SENCO and National SEND System Leader; Clare Brokenshire, Head of Faculty with Academy 21.

This is a SecEd Partnered Podcast that has been produced with sponsorship from Academy 21. SecEd produces six partnered podcasts each year on top of our fortnightly editorial podcasts. A partnered podcast is produced in conjunction with the sponsor, delivering SecEd's usual best practice advice across agreed themes and including an expert from the sponsoring organisation.

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For details about The SecEd Podcast, or to suggest future topics, email editor Pete Henshaw at