
NQT Special Edition: Looking back on my NQT year

This year’s SecEd NQT diarist is a teacher of English from a school in the Midlands. Here she reflects on her first year at the chalkface – the challenges, successes and hopes for year 2

As the final half-term of my NQT year begins, I am taking the occasion that this diary entry affords to look back on my year so far.

You may be in the same position, or perhaps you are pulling yourself over the finishing line of your training year. Either way, hopefully some of your thoughts and reflections are similar to mine...

So, what have I learnt so far this NQT year? Well, first off I learnt the hard way that using your PPA time wisely is vital.

I noticed earlier this year that I would often use my PPA time rather recklessly, which then meant lugging lots of material such as exercise books back and forth from home as they still needed to be marked. I now use PPA to cover tasks that I know will exacerbate stress or cause me to be disorganised if taken home.

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