Best Practice

Workforce planning in an era of Covid-19

This academic year will see continued disruption with the intense demands on the school workforce constantly shifting and showing no signs of letting up. Chetan Sood considers workforce strategy for the coming months

With some clever short and long-term planning, and decisive action, headteachers can get ahead of the game and face the challenges of workforce uncertainty in the months ahead.

Now is the time to analyse and predict your school’s likely mid and long-term staffing requirements. Doing this early and aligning your workforce and recruitment strategy accordingly will minimise the need to be reactive if and when staffing gaps begin to appear, or as delayed resignations (which in normal times would have been tendered during the summer months) necessitate additional recruitment drives over the course of the year. Do not wait for notices to be handed in, gather and analyse previous patterns of staff turnover now so you can anticipate where you may need additional resource moving forward.

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