
Research review identifies factors of effective PE

The factors that contribute to high-quality PE curriculum, assessment and pedagogy have been set out in Ofsted’s latest subject research review.

The inspectorate is conducting regular reviews into specific curriculum subjects, drawing upon the latest research and evidence from school inspections to distil what effective practice might look like.

The national curriculum for PE is compulsory at key stages 1 to 4 and aims to ensure that all pupils are physically active for sustained periods of time and develop the competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities.

The Association of PE recommends two hours of PE a week, but previous Ofsted research from 2018 found that only 69% of schools met this goal.

The review says that key to meeting the national curriculum’s aims are building firm foundations in fundamental motor skills – which the review describes as the first pillar of progression in PE. The second is rules, strategies, and tactics, while the third is healthy participation.

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