
Great Get Together for Jo Cox

Hundreds of schools will be taking part in assemblies, sports and other events on June 22 as part of the second annual Great Get Together. The event will mark what would have been the 44th birthday of MP Jo Cox, who was murdered a week before the EU referendum in 2016.

The initiative focuses on how we can all fight hatred and promote community cohesion and will be based around Jo Cox’s own words – that we have “more in common than that which divides us”.

Last year more than 120,000 events took place in communities around the UK, including many schools. These included pupils from two Birmingham schools, who come together spontaneously to make a heart on playing fields (pictured). This image has now inspired the “connect4jo” campaign to be launched this year encouraging people to take their own heart pictures.

School packs to support this year’s event have been developed with partners including the Youth Sport Trust, PSHE Association and The Challenge.
