Best Practice

Online safeguarding: Trends, resources and advice

Safeguarding and online safety expert Charlotte Aynsley identifies some of the growing trends to look out for in the months ahead and considers what a whole-school approach to online safeguarding should look like

While every school knows the importance of safeguarding in our digital world, it is also important that they know and understand the most effective strategies to help safeguard their pupils online, both in and out of the classroom.

The UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS) has recently launched Education for a Connected World, a framework which aims to highlight, across all key stages, the skills and knowledge children should have in order to feel safe, and act responsibly, online so that they are able to enjoy the online world.

The framework contains learning outcomes which map to the PSHE and computing curriculums, but it also presents opportunities for teachers to incorporate online safety into a range of other subjects, such as English, and while it doesn’t provide teaching resources, it does give schools a very clear idea of the competencies pupils should have at each stage of their learning.

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